Impact of the Internet on Society from Social and Cultural Aspects

At this time, people's lives cannot be separated from the use of the internet. Internet access has become an inseparable part of people's daily lives. The internet makes it easier for people to find various information, but there are positive and negative impacts of the internet that are not widely realized. At first glance, the internet is here to provide convenience and good benefits for society. But, on the other hand, there are also negative impacts that arise from using the internet. Therefore, knowing the positive and negative impacts of the internet is an important thing to do.

Individual assignment on Friday, November 11th, 2022.

JavaScript Algorithm Analysis

JavaScript is a programming language used in website development to make it more dynamic and interactive. JavaScript can enhance functionality on web pages. JavaScript or JS is abbreviated as an interpreter type programming language, so it doesn't require a compiler to run it. JavaScript has features such as object-oriented, client-side, high-level programming, and loosely typed.

Individual assignment on Friday, September 9th, 2022.

The Impact of The Internet Technology Usage on The Defense and Security Sector

The internet is a network that functions to connect one electronic media to another. It is this communication network that will transfer data accurately and quickly through certain frequencies. The global standard for using the internet itself uses the Internet Protocol or Transmission Control Protocol (IP/TCP). The internet has benefits in various fields, for example education, banking, trade, energy and natural resources, tourism, defense and security, social, culture and politics.

Group assignment by group 6 on Friday, November 11th, 2022.